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Selfbondage, you will be free when time or battery runs out.

When you are young and you discover that bondage is one of the things that you really like, it is hard to practice it when you are also alone. So I discovered at a young age that I liked it. I wish the following product came to me when I was younger. It would have made things so much easier. But now that I got it, I still enjoy it very much. I am talking about the amazing solution that  Selfbondage Shop  offers with their amazing products. Recently I was approached by Selfbondage Shop on instagram. Like they did know that I was a huge bondage fan. After some talking i discovered that t hey had some really nice solutions for peolpe that practice selfbondage. And the most Important thing is that it is COMPLETLY SAFE. They have their own way of securing cuffs and other restraints to something fixed, like a wall, bed or chair with the use of magnets. These magnets are powered with a USB outlet. You can use a powerbank for example. When the magnets are powered they become very stro...

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